我们住进了 Eat Pray Love 的小屋,对,就是朱莉娅罗伯茨电影里的那个小屋!
一时手抖就住进来了……屋里除了有个可爱的小壁虎(这里司空见惯)都很干净,书架上摆着世界各国语言的《Eat Pray Love》,屋外四面都是稻田,夜幕降临之后伸手不见五指,走在羊肠小路时感觉是自己的身体都消融在黑暗之中。

04:56 我们住进了 Eat Pray Love 的那座小屋!
12:11 为什么 Eat Pray Love 能成为全球现象级畅销书?
14:33 自我觉醒,在旧的自我体内,正生长出新的自己
23:16 《Eat Pray Love》里的巴厘岛 vs 我们体验的巴厘岛
27:53 巴厘岛的平衡:世俗快乐、精神追求我都要
30:40 《Eat Pray Love》作者的故事,比书里还精彩!
43:39 To tell nothing but the truth
47:56 《Big Magic》和创意学
53:07 内心的平衡:四脚着地,用心不用脑
视频 Oprah Winfrey 采访 Elizabeth Gilbert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqdmsoCtx4U
视频 Elizabeth Gilbert 的 TED 演讲:Your elusive creative genius https://youtu.be/86x-u-tz0MA?si=WWHOXyy1rZd5jLFB
书《Big Magic》by Elizabeth Gilbert

*「To find the balance you want, this is what you must become. You must keep your feet grounded so firmly on the earth that it's like you have 4 legs instead of 2. That way, you can stay in the world. But you must stop looking at the world through your head. You must look through your heart, instead. That way, you will know God."」
-Ketut Liyer, The Medicine Man*